The Full Moon in Gemini

Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 10:08pm CST

“ A Backdoor Into Bliss…”

The set and crew: Moon conjunct Mars (retrograde) at 16 degrees Gemini, Moon and Mars conjunct Rigel (Orion Starpoint) Moon opposing Sun at 16 degrees Sagittarius, Sun conjunct The Great Attractor, Venus at 27 degrees Sagittarius conjunct The Galactic Center, Venus squaring Jupiter at 29 degrees Pisces, Mercury at 1 degree Capricorn.

Moon is at the 35th Gene Key: Wormholes and Miracles, SHADOW- Hunger, GIFT- Adventure, SIDDHI- Boundlessness

Sun is at the 5th Gene Key: The Ending of Time, SHADOW- Impatience, GIFT- Patience, SIDDHI- Timelessness

All I can say is, Wow, this full moon is a doozy! As I write this I can feel these energies and how they are interacting with my personal natal placements in, dare I say, not the most comfortable way. Setting the details of my personal blueprint aside, however, the current cosmic soup is inviting us to open up access to a portal of the infinite wisdom held within the Akashic library of not only the planetary consciousness of Earth and our soul’s experiences had upon it, but the Akashic library of the Universal consciousness of creation itself within the 9th dimension.

Allow me to explain…

This full moon takes place at 16 degrees of Gemini conjunct Mars, currently stationed retrograde, also at 16 degrees. This degree point is at the location of the star Rigel which is within the Orion star constellation. The Orions (and starseeds) are said to support the development and assist humanity in their spiritual evolution. They are teachers and guides with a thirst for knowledge, new ideas and ways of thinking, discovering and discerning truth, and becoming masters of it. They search for quantitative proof of opposing viewpoints and accept that such opposing, dualistic viewpoints there in by exist. They are knowledgeable, and often react to their emotions with logic and find it helpful to talk their emotions out in order to better discern how they feel. This energy consciousness reflects that of Gemini, the astrological sign of the twins, representing the dualistic, inquisitive nature and the knowingness that there is always another opposing perspective, or the flipside of the coin.

As the moon sits here within Gemini and this Orion stargate, alongside Mars who is itching to move ahead with all of these newly inspired plans and ideas it has received while being in the cardinal air sign, we may be sensing a level of frustration and anxiousness to some degree. We, perhaps, may be feeling frustrated, forced to sit still and observe and contemplate our next best move or avenue through which to offer our energy. We may experience emotional triggers as fiery Mars interacts with the Moon, resulting in us being quick to react and quick to speak. The reminder, however, to pause, breathe, ground and recalibrate is offered by Mercury (the planetary ruler of Gemini and governor of thought, ideas, communication, and daily activities) who is currently positioned in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Whenever a planet is in retrograde, it is a time of re-evaluation, re-assessment, re-attunement, re-direction, and re-alignment by going within to internally access the frequency of our heart as to then emerge, centered and purified, and move forward in harmonic resonance with unconditional love.

The Sun is directly opposing Mars and the Moon- as is always the case in a full moon, shining its light onto these celestial bodies and their archetypal frequencies, reflecting back to us what it is that we need to see. What needs to be illuminated with just enough light that allows us to see our next best step as we traverse the darkness of the unknown? The sun is sitting at a degree point of the Great Attractor, a galactic anomaly and mystery, yet an irrefutable force nonetheless. Within The Soul of the Sky, a work by Philip Sedgwick, he states:

The enormous gravity of the Great Attractor actually bends light around. It bends the light so much, that a glimpse of what is behind it can be taken. This quality of gravitational lensing provides clear behind-the-scenes insights, while simultaneously offering other refractive illusions…it summons an energy of ‘come hither.’ Once engaged, this pull exceeds anything known. The attraction to this point possesses a seductive tone, but in a classical Sagittarean mode. There’s something about it. It seems to possess this energy- it’s mysterious, it’s captivating, it might even be a direct personification of the Creator! …Regardless, it knows something you HAVE to know.”

Upon reading this, my mind was blown (as if it wasn’t already) as it speaks directly to the 5th Gene key, that being in correlation with the placement of the sun, and its siddhi of Boundlessness- The Backdoor to Bliss. In the ever so eloquent words of Richard Rudd, “When the siddhi of boundlessness enters the world, it allows consciousness to penetrate right into the heart of the matter, which bends the laws of matter. Such a siddhi represents a shortcut through evolution itself, and many people can experience huge awakenings and miracles…

Before I lend my interpretation of these epic cosmic alignments, allow me to introduce one last character into the mix-Venus. This impeccable celestial body of love, beauty, harmony, and abundance is sitting in the same section as the sun, albeit a few rows over, at 27 degrees Sagittarius. This is at the exact degree of the Galactic Center, the black hole of the milky way, the portal opening to the planetary akashic records. It is here where Venus has access to all of the information ever gained whilst within the embraces of relationships. All of the wisdom she has ever received within each karmic, sacred contract with another, all that she has ever learned in order to evolve into the highest expression of herself has been recorded and resides here within the akashic library at the center of our galaxy. As she sits here within the Sagittarian realm of the eternally expansive and ever-seeking mind of higher knowledge, she is able to remember, reflect, and contemplate all that has ever existed to assist her within the infinite fundamental cycles of expression, experimentation, integration, and transcendence. Also, something to note is that she, along with the Sun, is sitting within the 13th sign of Ophiuchus. Often referred to as the “forgotten constellation,” Ophiuchus is the realm of hidden information coming back to life, the mystery schools of Isis, the Sacred Divine Feminine, kundalini, womb healing, and teachings once deemed occult, but now, better referred to as Divine.

What I am receiving, is that we, my lovelies, are swimming within the cosmic sea, divinely aligned with a portal in time, a wormhole perhaps, where something that has been hidden, unaccessible, unfathomable, is being illuminated and revealed to us in a way that is no less than miraculous.

As we are quickly approaching the solstice energies of late December, a powerful time each year when Earth’s axis pauses, shifts, and moves in the opposite direction, so too are we. The brilliance that this full Moon offers, taking into account its relations to Orion, the Great Attractor, and the Galactic Center, is a looking glass into a whole new realm of possibilities. A looking glass only to be discovered through the bending of light, attracting us forth, but which has been calling to us throughout our entire lives, as a subtle, curious cosmic whisper. As Jupiter patiently sits retrograde at 29 degrees of Pisces, the final degree of the final sign of the astrological wheel, it has encouraged us to DREAM BIG! It has elicited grand gestures of hope and offered promises of a bright new day. Dare I ask, however, how are we to dream a new dream if all we ever knew was based upon tales of the past? Have our inspirations truly been Divine or have they, unbeknownst to us, been tainted by lessons scribed, locked, and hidden within the halls of the Akash? Is it possible that we are finally being invited to gain insight into our next epic novel and how we want it to read? Is it possible that we truly have reached a culmination point of karmic lessons and are finally passing the exam through a stroke of Divine Genius in an a-ha moment? Could it be that the long-awaited epiphany, the blind spot, the missing link, the loose end is: received, cleansed, connected, and tied to our chariot star of fire, shooting us over the rainbow, through the eye of the storm, and onto a yellow brick road leading to our Emerald City?

Perhaps… The best way to find out is to invite the possibility in. Attune to these frequencies. Contemplate your struggles as you reflect upon your journey. Observe. Call upon Divine assistance and your Cosmic support team. Open your mind, rest within your heart, listen…and Imagine if you will, that you are seated in stillness… Within a dark room, a giant movie screen appears before you. Upon the black canvas the following words appear in a bright golden hue:

ORION STAR Productions Presents


In Affiliation With





Then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! I know I will, and I’m already looking forward to the sequel.

The Full Moon in Virgo

Friday, March 18, 2022, 3:18am est

The moon was at 27 degrees 40 min of Virgo, and the sun in the opposite sign of Pisces at the same degree point.

Virgo’s message is: I see through the eyes of the virgin, who understands the purest form of divinity and who knows her mission to serve humanity. I am analytical and practical. I am ruled by Chiron and Mercury.

So Let’s dig into this message, and see how it applies to the cosmic stage that is being set for us a little more…

Virgo is about being present in the moment, engaging our senses, grounding into the physical form. Honoring the physical body as a vessel to experience the divine. It’s the practicality needed to allow for the divine vision to be made manifest.  The how-to’s, the next steps, how to be the strongest we can be, the healthiest we can be, the most open and aligned we can be to attune to what is speaking to us, how we can be better adept at listening to how and where we are being guided to go, to be and do next.  The Virgo moon speaks to How we can implement routines into our lives that feel good and that are in alignment with the vision we see for ourselves, and for the collective as we enter into the age of Aquarius. Since we’re still in Pisces season and have a bunch of planets resting there, the watery aspect of the depths, the darkness, the emotions, the overwhelm, perhaps the illusion or deception, limiting beliefs of doubt, uncertainty, worry, or fear, is still very much present. The Virgo moon is asking us to remember the intentions we set and made on the Pisces new moon.  When we received the ethereal seed of creation which held infinite possibilities and to remember that whatever we nourish it with, is what it will grow into.  We can either nourish it with energies of the shadowy aspects, which will keep us stuck and bound to what we once knew, lost in deception and illusion from perhaps being too fearful and doubtful to rise up and out of, OR we hold true to its purest essence, and nourish this seed with our purest and most sacred truth that we are divine sparks of the creator and how we, within our physical vessels, are the magic wands needed to bring our hearts desires into reality.  We must have the courage to continue walking step by step without seeing the full picture yet. the sharpness isn’t yet there, and its more like a picture within a cloud beginning to form…looking up towards the heavens, seeing our vision begin to take shape more and more. Holding onto and staying true to our values, what we want for our lives, our lifestyle, etc.

There are a few other things happening in the cosmos, a fleeting grand trine for one, within the earth signs. The Virgo moon, North node in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. Earth signs are stabilizing, so it’s offering an inner stabilization of an energetic circuit if you will, which will allow for the purest divine truth to flow through us and guide us as we are still navigating through and transitioning through the old, outdated systems and ways of being. 

Saturn in Aquarius is also squaring the nodes (not exact but within a few degrees- north node in Taurus and south node in Scorpio.) The nodes are about karma, fate, and destiny.  The south speaks to what is comfortable, what we have known, and therefore the gifts we have to bring along with us to use in their highest expression, but it also speaks to that which we are being encouraged to let go of as they no longer serve us. So essentially, taking what resonates with our highest expression and leaving the rest, as we move into our north node of destiny.  Scorpio is about the deep dark shadow work, what has died, what may have been a lot to endure, and then using that wisdom and pain as our passionate fire to help lift us up out of the water as fuel, not letting it scorpion tale to sting us, but rather, to be given a purpose, to be put to use upon this earth, thereby making the world a better place to live.  Saturn in Aquarius are the challenges we may face as a collective, as we shift into a rebellious new world that we have never known. This brave new world is what we co-create with one another, each of us offering our unique and brilliant gifts, by Finding the support and communities to help us bring them out and then anchor them in. However, these energies may not feel good… because we are entering into the unknown, the unfamiliar, and we may not feel safe… and need to remember that Our safety comes from the divine truth of who we know we are, at our deepest, innermost level.  

We are also about to enter into Aries season, the first sign of the zodiac wheel where we begin again, are reborn, and start anew, taking with us all the wisdom we have gained over and throughout the cycles that have led us to now.  Chiron, the wounded healer, has been in Aries since 2018. The sun is traveling behind him until the end of March, so this remainder of the Pisces season is about doing a check-in with yourself.  What have you healed since Chiron first entered Aries in 2018?  Aries is about the sense of self, accepting oneself, and all of what you have grown through.  Aries is a fire sign, so reflecting upon what has perhaps made you angry or that which was triggering for you, perhaps inducing a sense of impatience.  It’s asking us to reflect on who we are now, what our skills, talents, and gifts are, the courage that is asked of us to show up exactly as we are. Embracing our imperfections, and loving them fully, as in God's eyes we are perfect. Remembering that Our imperfections are what have given us depth and tenacity and resilience.. Then we have Jupiter, the planet of expansion, entering into Aries as well in early May, and will be there until the end of July, So, there is an expansion of this rising sense of self, the warmth and radiance of the sun, and it’s light shining upon us allowing us to recognize just how much we have healed and shifted. Feeling empowered to show up in a brand new way. Being ready for a new adventure, like the fool card in the major arcana. Ready to take that next leap of faith- knowing you have all you need to thrive. Most importantly, be clear of your values and what you hold most dear.

But as I mentioned earlier, we still have a lot of planets in Pisces so the Piscean energy is strong. There may still be a sense of waiting and deep listening of the right time to take action, what the best actions are at this time, that holds the most power and that will propel us forward with the most force. And needing to feel inwards for that, not allowing distractions to pull us off course. Having inner clarity of what you want and knowing that with each baby step it will take you closer to it, so long as you keep centered and aligned to your inner truth and wisdom and with faith in the divine source.

There is a conjunction between Mercury, the messenger planet, and Jupiter in Pisces on March 20 and then with Neptune in Pisces on March 23.  Mercury in Pisces is about intuition. Something you may have intuited about your dream life or the story will be expanded as it conjuncts Jupiter. With Mercury in Pisces, you may receive more downloads and divine insight, more puzzle pieces, and higher spirit messages. Pisces is about imagination and creativity. So although it may be hard to focus and communicate clearly at this time, and then especially as it meets up with Neptune, it’s as if logic is being thrown out the window.  Our minds may not even be able to grasp what is happening, as nothing makes sense, and yet at a heart level, it all feels right. There will however be signs and synchronicities being placed within your field if you allow yourself to attune to these higher frequencies.  So that Any time you are met with doubt, uncertainty, or fear, Spirit will show you something that will allow you to hear, see and receive the higher truth… to let you know you're on the right path and to keep going. We are encouraged to trust in our hearts and allow our minds to rest there. To just let our egoic minds that want to keep us safe to be cradled and nurtured by the divine mother and father god. Telling the child within, that they are safe.  It is safe to explore and try new things. As to Allow our curiosity to drive us forward especially if it lights us up and makes our heart sing.

The last aspects I'll speak about are Mars and Venus (in Aquarius) which are about to square Uranus (in Taurus). Venus is about what you desire and mars is how you get it. Uranus brings an element of change, chaos, and surprise. If we think of Venus and Mars squaring Uranus as the tower card in the major arcana.  Depicting A lightning bolt of energy throwing people from a tower as it burns to the ground, these are the Old structures and systems and ways of doing things that are no longer serving us to fall away and be dismantled. the ways we used to relate to ourselves and others, ways that did not create harmonious balance and efficiency for a well-oiled machine, a well-oiled and harmonious system based upon peace, love, and unity. Uranus offers New ways of resolving issues, and challenges as to best create A solid foundation. 

So.. Venus and mars will each square Uranus at 12 degrees, Venus first, and then Mars, at the exact point that Saturn squared Uranus in in 2021. So it’s thinking back to the things that we may have not been ready for last year, but we are now, since we have gained a better sense of self and how we work with our own masculine and feminine energies and how we can take that into the world in service to others, BUT with Uranus, there may be an element of surprise, like “wow I didn’t see that coming, or I never thought of that, but yeah…that could work, and perhaps that’s a better way.”  So it’s about being open-minded and allowing ourselves to feel supported with new awareness since we have integrated so much and come into more of who we are over this past year. These are liberating energies opening us up to what feels good, what we need to feel good, feel supported, more confident in letting things go, not embracing things that no longer serve our highest and best, and having more access to what is correct for you know in comparison to last year.

The takeaway message: go within, find your center, know your truth, trust in all that you have learned from past experiences, use discernment, take baby steps, allow yourself to continue letting go with grace and gratitude, and trust that you are being guided and led by your heart.  Allow your mind to rest as at times it may feel like nothing makes sense, but if you are open and attuned to spirit, honor your values and truth, take inspired action, take care of your body, you will get there, step by step. Loosen the grip of needing to control and enjoy the ride…

I invite you to take a minute to feel into that and place your hand on your heart, perhaps the other over your third eye, and breathe.  Telling yourself you got this.  You are strong, you are courageous, you are worthy, and that all is well… honor yourself and all you have grown through… breathe…

The New Moon in Pisces

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:35pm est

Are you ready to get a taste of MAGIC? Are you ready to sense the Divine? Are you ready to feel a kind of love, recognition, joy, that until now you only thought existed in fairytales? What are you dreaming of, and perhaps, may have cast aside as mere figments of your imagination? Well my loves, this is the time to gather those forgotten seeds and begin dreaming them into reality. And while you’re at it, dream them even bigger than you ever have before! If you’re questioning how that’s even possible, you’re kind of right… For how can we even dream a bigger dream? Well, it happens once we let go of something that is obstructing the bigger dreams from coming into view, rising from the subconscious. It’s by letting go of whatever is taking the space of the new seeds of potential. We must make room, in order for them to appear. This is what this Pisces New Moon is offering us. It is a time of setting intentions, but, may I invite you to set the intention of releasing something, in order to receive a new divine seed? Sounds a bit mystical and magical doesn’t it? Does that spark your curiosity? If so, perfect… Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, an ending point before the wheel spins again starting anew with Aries. It is a point where we can level up, but in order to do that, we must lighten our load. We must put something down in order to hold something new. What emotional baggage is no longer serving your highest good? Is there something you’re just tired of holding onto? Ask yourself this question, and answer it honestly. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is leading the sun and moon into a whole new world of possibilities. It is offering you a glimpse into your destiny, but the ticket to ride Jupiter’s magical bubble is to hand over something you’re ready to live without. What is literally making you sick and tired? Why not hand it over and receive a divine magical seed that holds the potential within to grow a field of your wildest dreams?

The New Moon in Gemini

At 7:30am est, on May 30, 2022, the sun and moon were conjunct at 9 deg of Gemini,  offering us a new moon and another opportunity to seed new energies, have new starts and write new stories.  Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury, which helps us with ideas, communication, thoughts, and the mental activity we need throughout our day to day lives. Gemini is the sign of the twins which speaks to our dual nature and how our energy can be split. It shows us How many things can be happening simultaneously. There aren't any major direct planetary aspects to the sun and moon, however, there are other aspects to which I’ll speak, that hold great significance.

The new moon at 9 deg Gemini is conjunct the Royal fixed star Aldebaran, located at 9 deg 47 min. It is the eye of the bull within the Taurus constellation. It sits amongst five other stars within the bull’s face creating a cluster known as The Hyades. According to an article I found on

“The Hyades were the five daughters of Atlas and half-sisters to the Pleiades. After the death of their brother, Hyas, the weeping sisters were transformed into a cluster of stars that was afterward associated with rain.”

This same article references Vivian Robson who states,

“The Hyades are of the nature of Saturn and Mercury (profound liar, thief, blackguard, scandal and slander.). They give tears, sudden events, violence, fierceness, poisoning, blindness, wounds or injuries to the head by instruments, weapons or fevers, and contradictions of fortune.”

Aldebaran is considered  “Mars-like” in nature, it’s action-driven, aligned with the divine, and fights for what they know to be true for the highest and best. It’s associated with riches, honor, and success in war, and let’s just say this war applies to what we see playing out externally as well as the inner battles and conflicts that keep us stuck and bound to all that we wish to be free of. The battle of light vs dark, certainty vs doubt, truth vs deception, and love and courage vs fear.

This speaks beautifully to the conjunction we currently have between Mars and Jupiter at 3 degrees within mars’ fiery home sign, Aries, providing the potential for huge explosive energy, which can be useful if channeled into our goals, ideals, and what we want to create. Likewise, this energy can burst within the shadows and burn bridges. Ultimately this energy is here to help us as we won’t see Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries for at least another 12 years, so we’re encouraged to use it wisely and to be extremely mindful of our expressions, channeling any excess anger or suppressed frustration or rage in a constructive and creative way. Interestingly enough, this new moon is transiting through the 16th gene key- The Magical Genius, within the codon ring of prosperity. The shadow here is indifference. So ask yourself, What do you want? What in your life truly matters and where are you holding yourself back due to fear- fear of not being ready, fear of being different, fear of what’s to come if you truly chose to put it all on the line? Within This shadow is where our wildest dreams can become frozen, the beautiful gardens covered in frost killing what we have nurtured before it never even has a chance to thrive!  This is not the time to postpone your dreams and what you KNOW to be true for YOU. Keep honing your skills, learn new ones, and surround yourself with people who are encouraging and are in harmonic alignment with your ideals. Use this energy to stoke the flames of your enthusiasm to create self-sustainability, free of any old system or structure saying that you must remain in a box and do it the way it has always been done or else… This is the time to say, “NO!” I love that Richard Rudd reminds us that the word enthusiasm is derived from the Latin and Greek meaning to be possessed by the breath of God. You are not alone. The Divine is on your side and is here to fill you with inspiration to step into your creative genius with true mastery. This is the time to ask, call out, and pray, “ Please God, Source Intelligence, Please angels and archangels of the most high, please star families of light… Show me the way. Help me hear you, help me stay within my heart, help me have unconditional love for myself so that I can be a beacon of light and hope and strength for others!”

There is a conversation happening between Eris, the asteroid goddess of discord, chaos, and strife, who’s angry from feeling as though she has been left out from the table, and Venus, who is squaring Pluto, our beloved celestial body of transformation, death/re-birth, or the cycle of resurrection of the divine, if you will.

With Venus in her home sign of Taurus, WE are being asked to do our best at embodying her highest expression- that of abundant love, light, and harmony, even though we may find ourselves viewing our current circumstances through a shadowed lens of unfairness, victimhood, and injustice. This is an invitation to shift our perspective to one that is more gentle and loving, whilst honoring our emotions of feeling that in fact, things have been unjust and unfair, but using all that we’ve learned in order to transform any bitterness into empowerment, and to move forward with strength, courage, integrity, and purpose- taking inspired action to consciously write and co-create a new story for ourselves. Remembering that we are not victims to the way things have always played out in the past and that it is now our time to rise and shine bright and stand tall, unwavering in our Divine light and truth. It is allowing ourselves to speak with honesty and express with vulnerability, what we’ve grown through and risen above. It is allowing our words to fill us, fueling ourselves and others with an acknowledgment of how much we’ve overcome and the wisdom we have gained from our life experiences. Using our pain as purposeful empowerment. Integrating our wounds through forgiveness by realizing how everyone and everything have been an integral piece of our becoming, more if not all of who we are. Even the most challenging, the most painful of them, and then, once forgiven, settle into a space of grace that allows for compassion to enter into our hearts, as we recognize that we are all on our own unique paths of remembering who we are.

The asteroid Chariclo is here to help us with that.  She’s sitting at 8 deg of Aquarius, offering a trine to this new moon.

There are a few stories we can discover within Greek mythology about Chariclo, her name meaning “graceful spinner.” One story tells of her being the wife of Chiron, with whom together lead us on a path of healing and awakening. Another tells of her being the beloved nymph devoted to the Goddess Athena. Chariclo was impregnated by a shepherd and had a son named Tiresias. One day as Tiresias was out hunting, he stopped down by some waters to quench his thirst, yet unbeknownst to him, it was at these same waters where he saw his mother and Athena who had just unrobed to bathe. Athena struck him blind as no mortal was to ever lay eyes upon a naked goddess. Chariclo begged Athena to undo the curse, to bestow her grace and forgiveness upon her son as it was surely an accident.  It broke Athena’s heart because she loved Chariclo but she had no choice due to the divine law. So Athena did what she could and decided to cleanse Tiresias’ ears to allow him to hear the birds speak, and she granted him a staff that would guide his footsteps and proclaimed that he would be seen as an honorable seer and oracle. Another interesting side story of Tiresias was that he was transformed by Hera into a woman after striking and wounding two snakes he saw copulating in the woods. And so he spent the next seven years serving as her priestess.  At the end of the seven years, he came across the same two snakes getting it on in the woods, but this time leaving them be, having learned his lesson, resulting in him being transformed back into his masculine form.

These stories, and the harmonious placement of Chariclo to the new moon, offer us another opportunity to call upon the Divine for assistance with having more grace and compassion for ourselves and others, in times of great loss and strife. Also, as we learned within the story of Tiresias, the ability to gain greater insight by assuming a birds-eye view, dual-sided sight through the embodiment of our masculine and feminine, and the ability to sense something from the other’s point of view. 

It’s as if we then become the wise elder and assume the role of the nurturing divine mother to the inner children of ourselves and others. To see and understand that we only know that which we know at any given point in time. We learn and grow through experience and it is only by going through it that we are able to rise and transcend allowing us to see life and circumstances from a new higher perspective. This reminds us to speak gently and with loving encouragement, and perhaps when we need to place boundaries around relationships that we know aren’t in harmonic resonance with our new, higher vibrational frequency.  We learn through our own unconditional love of self when we just need to hold space, allow others to meet us where we’re at, and give ourselves permission to drop what we’ve felt like we needed to hold or do or be. Dropping our need for others to see what we see, and for them to understand our point of view, because we realize that perhaps they just can’t right now, at least not at this point in time of their cycle. And so we accept them for who they are and allow them to be where they are, as we honor our own journey and the insight we have gained by continuing to move towards that, for which our hearts beat. This is a time again to plant new seeds and to nurture these seeds of our highest ideals and goals, based upon the frequency of our value systems, and then tend to them. Remembering to have patience as seeds do not sprout overnight. Witnessing those that have begun to bloom with your care, and bask in the beauty of what is beginning to be revealed in your life. Focusing on the gratitude for what is beginning to blossom and grow! 

Neptune is allowing us to see or sense something that is moving and shifting, even if it isn’t fully seen yet by Saturn in the 3D reality. We know there are seeds on the brink of peeking their little heads out from beneath the soil. We sense it. So what is the best thing we can do?  Well, we Learn from the eclipse energy and continue weeding out all that isn’t serving in the cultivation and highest interest of our personal gardens of Eden. At this point, we know and are well aware of the distractions, toxins, self-limiting beliefs, destructive patterns, lifestyles, relationships, and work dynamics that don’t serve us. We know what works and what doesn’t through our own trials and tribulations, and so now we must apply them as we move forward, for this is the way of conscious, heart-centered, co-creation with empowered wisdom. If not, then we are choosing to remain in denial, deception, and betrayal of our own hearts.

Pluto has been offering us deep insight and illumination of what needs to be transformed into purpose and power to serve humanity in the highest and best good.  It’s been in retrograde in Capricorn excavating old systems and structures within our lives in preparation for its entrance into Aquarius on March 24, 2023, where it will remain until January of 2044. This is where it can help the world transform, and be reborn, after seeing how and what has led us to separation, control, and manipulation.  Pluto helps us recognize and realize how our uniqueness, our creative genius, can come together to patch up the holes and tears in the collective tapestry, which has been torn from playing “tug-o-war!” Remembering that this process begins within our own life, on our own personal stages, within our own personal structures, and then observing how by healing ourselves, it begins to ripple out.  As we each patch up our own section of the quilt, we will eventually reach the outer limits where we will meet up with those of others who have been doing the same, and slowly but surely, the world is woven together, into a big warm blanket of love, mended by each of us as we tend to our own rips and tears..

Mercury is at 26 deg Taurus is conjunct Algol, within the Pleiadian star system. Algol is also known as the “Demon Star” or “Medusa’s head” and is part of the constellation of Perseus, associated with pain, suffering, violence, and emotionally intense experiences. Yet, this horrific and feared star offers so much. As we learn from these gut-wrenching events, integrate the darkest parts, forgive ourselves and others, and return to love, back home to our hearts, there lies the potential to alter our lives in a profound way. As we learn how to deal with extremely challenging and difficult situations with humility and grace, we can transcend them and create a positive change.  We learn how to stand on our own two feet and stick up for ourselves, knowing our worth and our value, all the while doing so with consideration and compassion.  Remembering Algol's home is still within Taurus and its ruler Venus.  It helps us overcome struggles and emerge with a new and empowered sense of self.  

This 25 degree mark is significant as Mercury here squares Saturn at 25 deg of Aquarius, sextiles Neptune at 25 deg Pisces and trines pluto at 25 deg Capricorn, and its the degree of where the sun was just at upon the everso powerful Taurus/Scorpio full lunar eclipse we just had.

The way I perceive this Mercury as it retrogrades here in Taurus is that it’s in listening mode. Give yourself permission to slow down and go within to receive the next steps and the divine insight and light codes coming through… reattune your radio dial away from the static and noise of a radio station that you’re no longer receiving a good signal from. Re-attune the dial within your heart and listen…because we are in new territory…

This energy is very strong and very loud. The collective mind is screaming and wanting a way out of the dark labyrinth of twisted turns and dead ends.  You could be sensing doubt and uncertainty, perhaps feeling helpless and hopeless, or anxious, and yet there is a powerful raging fire burning within. Use this fire to purify you. Use this fire of mars with Jupiter in Aries to light you up! Quiet the noise by listening to the passion that is burning within your heart that wants to lead you into your destiny.

I’ll Land this cosmic plane back where we began our ride, at Aldebaran, one of the four fixed royal heavenly stars associated with the archangels- and This one is Michael’s.  The chief commander of God’s army, the divine defender, with his flaming sword in hand to cut away all that is not of the purest goodness. Archangel Michael is here to assist us in this battle of our own inner demons, and our own dark and destructive natures. And rather than allowing ourselves to be consumed by it all, and to use our words of creation in ways that promote destruction and demise, he is here to assist us with refocusing our energy; To that which is in alignment with our truest intentions of harmony, reclaiming our divine right of empowered sovereignty, and to be of our purest essence, which is love. He is here to assist and remind us that together, with the divine, we co-create a better world for us to live within and upon. He is here to help us remember the potent power of peace, within the centered still-point.  

Be the eye of the storm.  

Be the eye of the sacred Bull. 

Be the eye that sees your magnificence.

Sow your seeds, and Tend to your gardens, so that we may play, serve and then rest in peace, within our heavens here on earth.

Much love.